There's one thing to like about visceral fat: It yields fairly easily to aerobic exercise.
Vaporizing calories via running, biking, swimming—anything that gets your heartrate up—wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff.
A recent study from Duke found the sweet spot: Jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week will help you lose belly fat.
Saturated fat packs on more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones, according to a Swedish study published this past February.
When subjects ate 750 more calories daily for seven weeks, either in the form of palm oil (saturated) or sunflower oil (polyunsaturated), the former gained more visceral fat while the latter gained more muscle mass and less body fat.
You know the deal: polyunsaturated fats are the ones in nuts, seeds, and fish and can help you lose belly fat.
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